Homér 1-2/2024
Homér 1-2/2024

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Homér 5-6/2024

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Homér 7-8/2024

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Homér 9-11/2024

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Homér 12-13/2024

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Homer 14-15/2024

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Homér 16-17/2024

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Homér 18-19/2024

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Homér 20-22/2024

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Homér 23-24/2024

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Homér 01-02/2022

Homér 03-04/2023
Homér 03-04/2023

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Homér 07-08/2023

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Homér 09-10/2022

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Homér 11-12/2023

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Homér 13-14/2023

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Homér 15-16/2023

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Homér 17-18/2023

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Homér 19-20/2023

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Homér 21-23/2023

Homér 24-26/2023
Homér 24-26/2023

Homér 27-28/2023
Homér 27-28/2023

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Homér 29-30/2023

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Homér 31-32/2023

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Homér 33-34/2023

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Homér 35-36/2023

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Homér 37-38/2023

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Homér 39-40/2023

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Homér 41-42/2023

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Homér 45-46/2023

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Homér 47-48/2023

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Homér 49-50/2023

Homér 01-02/2022
Homér 01-02/2022

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Homér 03-04/2022

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Homér 05-06/2022

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Homér 07-08/2022

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Homér 09-10/2022

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Homér 11-12/2022

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Homér 13-14/2022

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Homér 15-17/2022

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Homér 18-19/2022

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Homér 20-21/2022

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Homér 22-23/2022

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Homér 24-25/2022

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Homér 26-27/2022

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Homér 28-29/2022

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Homér 30-31/2022

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Homér 32-33/2022

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Homér 34-35/2022

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Homér 36-37/2022

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Homér 38-39/2022

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Homér 40-41/2022

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Homér 42-43/2022

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Homér 46-47/2022

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Homér 48-50/2022

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Homér 26-27/2021

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Homér 34-35/2021

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Homér 38-39/2021

Homér 41-42/2020
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Homér 45-46/2021

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Homér 49-50/2021

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Homér 50-51/2020

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Homér 01-02/2019

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Homér 15/2019

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Homér 40/2019

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Homér 1/3/2018

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Homér 10/2018

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Homér 12/2018

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Homér 13/2018

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Homér 14-15/2018

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Homér 16/2018

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Homér 17/2018

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Homér 18/2018

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Homér 19-20/2018

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Homér 23/2018

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Homér 24/2018

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Homér 25/2018

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Homér 26/2018

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Homér 28/2018

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Homér 30/2018

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Homér 37/2018

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Homér 38/2018

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Homér 39/2018

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Homér 40/2018

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Homér 41/2018

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Homér 42/2018

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Homér 8/2017

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Homér 10/2017

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Homér 11/2017

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Homér 12/2017

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Homér 13/2017

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Homér 15/2017

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Homér 18/2017

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Homér 19/2017

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Homér 20/2017

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Homér 21/2017

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Homér 22/2017

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Homér 25/2017

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Homér 26/2017

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Homér 27/28/2017

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Homér 38/2017

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Homér 39/2017

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Homér 40/2017

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Homér 42/2017

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Homér 43/2017

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Homér 44/2017

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Homér 45/2017

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Homér 46/2017

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Homér 47/2017

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Homér 48/2017

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Homér 49/2017

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Homér 10/2016

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Homér 11/2016

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Homér 12/2016

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Homér 13-14/2016

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Homér 15/2016

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Homér 16/2016

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Homér 17/2016

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Homér 18/2016

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Homér 19/2016

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Homér 20/2016

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Homér 21/2016

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Homér 22/2016

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Homér 23/2016

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Homér 24/2016

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Homér 25/2016

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Homér 26/2016

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Homér 27/28/2016

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Homér 29/30/2016

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Homér 33/34/2016

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Homér 35/36/2016

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Homér 37/2016

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Homér 38/2016

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Homér 39/2016

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Homér 40/2016

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Homér 41/2016

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Homér 42/43/2016

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Homér 44/2016

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Homér 45/2016

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Homer 46/2016

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Homér 47/2016

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Homér 48/2016

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Homér 49/2016

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Homér 51/2016

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Homér 14/2015

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Homér 15/2015

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Homér 16/2015

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Homér 17/2015

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Homér 18/2015

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Homér 19/20/2015

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Homér 21/2015

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Homér 22/2015

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Homér 23/2015

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Homér 24/2015

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Homér 25/2015

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Homér 26/2015

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Homér 27/28/2015

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Homér 29/30/2015

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Homér 31/32/2015

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Homér 33/34/2015

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Homér 35/2015

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Homér 36/2015

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Homér 37/2015

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Homér 38/2015

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Homér 39/2015

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Homér 40/2015


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Homér 41/2015

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Homér 42/2015

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Homér 43/44/2015

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Homér 45/2015

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Homér 46/2015

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Homér 47/2015

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Homér 48/2015

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Homér 49/2015

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Homér 50/51/2015